This past weekend I went home for the Friends of Tuckerman annual fundraiser (The Son of the Inferno Pentathlon) and to visit with and celebrate my birthday with my family! The race went off without a hitch! I even got to be the starter of the second race! I got goosebumps when calling the final countdown for the start, then pushing the button which made everyone around me run! It was a long day though... but well worth the drive and the hard work it took to pull the event off!
Sunday morning I had breakfast with my Grampa and enjoyed some really good waffles! Then I drove to Maine and stopped in at my parent's house. My nephew Dominik was there, he's three and a half now, and it was so fun to see him! We played together for hours, and he helped me blow out all of the candles on my brithday cake (we almost had to call the fire department because there were so many on there--just kidding). He is getting so big and so smart! It will be exciting to continue to watch him grow up, I only hope he turns out better than my brother did...
Seeing my Mom and David was really nice too. I like that we have a closer relationship now that I am out of the house. It feels right this way. Nana and Grampa were pretty excited to see me as well! My Grampa bought me a hand mixer for my birthday so that I don't have to mix my cookies and cake by hand anymore. Nana re-gifted a pizza stone that they would never use to Matt and I. It is going to make a great addition to our house (and our meals!)!
My birthday is on Wednesday, the 22nd of April. Also known as Earth Day! I am going to be 25... wow! I remember when I turned 16 and 17 thinking about what life would be like when I turned 25. I've turned out much different from how I'd imagined way back then! First of all... let me tell you that 25 is not nearly as old as it seems when you are still a teenager! I feel better now than I ever did then! And not only that but I am not married and I don't have kids like I thought I would by now. Thank god things turned out differently than I expected! I have so much life to live before the kids thing happens! I get the creeps just thinking about it! (Especially after seeing my mother take fully chewed food out of Dominik's mouth multiple times this weekend).
After work on Wednesday I am boarding a plane and flying to Sacremento, California and meeting Matt. We will then drive the 4 hours to Yosemite Valley where we will free climb the Free Blast and probably higher on El Capitan! It is going to be my first trip out there and I am PUMPED to say the least! I have dreams about it every night and I absolutely cannot wait to experience some big wall fun! I'll have pictures and stories to share for sure!
On the 23rd I hope you'll think of me... I'll be half way up El Cap having a party because I made it to 25!